Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ears To Listen

It seems that all the time we are always on the go. We are off to the next thing with days that are full of school, work, play, and everything else. By the time we get done for the day, we sit down relax and just like that it's time for bed, and we do it all over again. I find often that as we go faster and faster we don't take the time to sit down and listen. I feel that the people in this world are just longing to have someone to listen to them talk. We all have good things to say, we have things to say that are on our mind, we have things to say that we have to get off our chest. Let us remember to take time and listen to one another. People are dying for someone to listen to them. Look at how much technology that our world is using. It's a cry to be heard and a cry to be known. But how much can one learn about another if they are not face to face with them? Seek out your friends and spend intentional time listening and speaking to one another.
With this busy life when we don't even take time to listen to those around us how much time are we spending listening to God. He wants to make straight our ways and to guide us. Invite Him into your life again and again each day. Take time to listen. Let our hearts be set on fire by what are ears are taking in.

Luke 24:8 "And they remembered his words"

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Always Moving

Here we are in a world that is always moving. It seems that everything continues to go faster and faster. As things get faster the more impatient we become. It creates a desire for everything to be give to us instantaneously. While applying for jobs as the school year comes to an end I have noticed that it is a process that takes time and effort, it is a tiring process. A process that I wish could be done in an instant but rather it takes time and perseverance. It requires motivation. It is not something that will be handed to me without work.
The process has reminded me that just because society is always moving in multiple directions so fast I have to take the time to slow down. Not just with my applying to jobs but slow down and take in what is going on in my daily life. To take note of the important things in my life. Not to always be on the go. I need to slow down even when the world around me is trying to move faster and faster.

The world around us is moving so fast, we have to slow down in order to capture the different moments of our lives.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015


There are so many things that can get in the way of your trust in a God that provides. It seems so often I try and take a lot of things into my own hands, thinking that if I have control over every situation it will go as planned. I fall into thinking that my planning is the best way to do things and I get run down. I go and go and go and that leads me to be worn out and uncharitable. God is calling us to trust in him and to allow him to help us each and every day.
As I near the end of my time in college it is very clear to me that there is a plan for what I am doing next. At this point I do not know all of the details but I am looking forward to what is to come. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I guess that is what the unknown is. In the process of my search on what to do next year I am going to try and be mindful that God is going to place before me the resources to see his plan. There has never been a moment of transition that God has not has his hand right in the middle of what was going on. Many times I did not see this tell after, so why  not trust right now. I must come to God with an open heart and rest..trusting in his plan!
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Joyful Heart

In my reflection on the past two weeks I have realized that I had been displacing my joy. I wasn't letting myself be joyful. I was letting myself be unhappy, and not at peace. All of this seemed to stem from the fact that I am not physically in the place that I desire to be, and I had to realize that it's not forever. I also had to realize again that I must be in the here and now, striving to be content and at peace with where I am. I can't be wishing for the time that is right before me to go away.
How can my joy be restored? While running the other day I was listening to Father Mike, and he was talking about how as we enter into Lent we must ask God what he want's us to do for Lent. On that run I asked God what he was calling me to and he revealed to me one thing. He wants me to take time each day to reflect on Psalm 51. I know that it's just one little passage from the Bible, but I have full confidence that God will be able to speak to me though this each and every day of Lent.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God,
    and put a new and right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation; Psalm 51:10,12a"

Friday, February 13, 2015

To Let Yourself Be LOVED

This week I realized something, at times I don't ask people to do things for me because I don't feel like I deserve it. I expressed that to my boyfriend Adam and he asked me, "Do you have to deserve it?" That profound truth struck me.
When it comes down to it all of us don't really deserve anything. All that we have and have been give is a free gift from God. He gives because He loves us. That is a hard truth that I have to ponder. I have to be re-convicted of it each and every day and at times I forget but I'm given reminders. I must let myself be loved.
For if I allow myself to be loved I can in return allow myself to love other more fully.

"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Monday, February 9, 2015

Who are you most likely to reveal yourself to?

Who are you most likely to reveal yourself to?
A lot of times in my heart and in my mind I desire to be known by others. I want people to know who I am, what I like to do and everything about me. Even know this is my desire I don't reveal myself to all that many people. I want to be known, but I want to be deeply known. I reveal myself and who I am to those who have taken the time to get to know me and invest in a relationship with me.
I feel if we go around trying to be known by too many people we get worn out and torn down. Disclosing our-self to a lot of people can take a toll on us. I feel there comes a time in our lives where we start to make the choice of who in our lives get to know the true us. This is a time where lifelong friendships are formed. Friendships that will lead us to be a better us. True friendship calls us on to be better people, they look out for us and they also hold us accountable.
A true friend is someone who accepts you. They don't always have to understand you as a person. They might not even understand themselves at times so how are they suppose to understand you!
How can I be a better friend to those whom I care deeply about and desire to know more?
Who are you most likely to reveal yourself to?

"A friend is a friend at all times;"
Proverbs: 17:17a

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Start.

As the first day of the semester starts all I can see is a long wait tell the end of the semester. I sit here in quiet contemplation and wonder why I want this to come to an end so quickly. I think it’s because I’m ready in my own mind to move on to the next step in my life. With the end in sight a whisper in my ear reminds me to be thankful for the time that sister right before my eyes. If I begin now this habit of wishing time away, where will it stop? I’ll be 80 and my whole life will be gone. Lord please help me to be present to the moment at hand. To not run from the hard times that might await me but rather to try and live in the present moment. Always persevering and moving forward. Keeping behind me the past, in front of me what’s to come and with me the here and now. I must not forget to finish the race.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and preserve in running the race that lies before us."
Hebrews 12:1 

                This week I was reflecting on the events in my life that don’t seem to make sense. I think there is a bigger plan that is outside of my control that could explain unexpected events. Sometimes when you know more about something you are then given more responsibility. When you know the source and reason behind a seemingly unfortunate event now you have a higher calling, a call to give of yourself in whatever it is that you are able to help solve the problem.
                My sister had been sick since August. I remember the day we got the call. My parents rushed off to Colorado…I was dazed and confused and sill to this day we have no idea what has happened. Why? She has made it a long way, but still as ways to go. Form days with no sleep, no facial affect to again being able to have conversations. She is still not better and has ways to go but progress has been made and healing has begun. I may never know why this happened, but healing has begun.
"When he entered Capernaum, a centurion approached him and appealed to him, saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, suffering dreadfully.” He said to him, “I will come and cure him.”8The centurion said in reply, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed. For I too am a person subject to authority, with soldiers subject to me.  And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come here,’ and he comes; and to my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Amen, I say to you, in no one in Israel* have I found such faith. I say to you, many will come from the east and the west, and will recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the banquet in the kingdom of heaven, but the children of the kingdom will be driven out into the outer darkness, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.” And Jesus said to the centurion, “You may go; as you have believed, let it be done for you.” And at that very hour [his] servant was healed."
Matthew 8:5-13

                I met with a girl this week and we talked about the struggles that this life can hold. The struggles and suffering that have shaped the person we are today. This could be seen as good or for bad in our own eyes. Weather these things have made us strong or more vulnerable we have still endured them and will continue to experience them.
                The events that make us stronger we recognize their purpose at times but we don’t always take the time to see how we were able to move forward. We weren’t aware of the healing that we had received. I think that in our lives we all need healing and when we come upon it and accept it into our lives we are lead to joy, a pure form of happiness. Healing can be manifested in many ways.
                How can you find and receive healing in your life?
·         Through writing
·         Through prayer
·         Through music
·         Through relationship with others
·         Through meditation
Allow yourself to receive the healing in your life that you deserve.
"He said to her daughter your faith has saved you, go in peace"
Luke 8:48